Our Team

“Schox Philanthropy is an innovative approach to connecting donors with nonprofits."

Kirsten Schaffer, Executive Director, Women in Film

"This is one of the best ways for founders to practice philanthropy while making a positive social impact."

Mary Lemmer, Schox Philanthropy
Jeff Schox
  • Founder / Board Member
  • Founder of Schox Patent Group and Trucks Venture Capital
Kate Schox
  • Founder / Board Member
  • Founder at Trucks Venture Capital
  • Board member at Natural Resources
Kirsten Schaffer
  • Board Member
  • Current ED at Women in Film
  • Previous ED Outfest
William O'Neal
  • Board Member
  • Current Content Marketing Manager at Autodesk
  • Previous Digital Marketing Senior at NVIDIA
Barb Finnin
  • Board Member
  • Finance and Operations Director at the Partnership for Working Families
  • Previous ED City Slicker Farms
  • 12+ years nonprofit experience
Interested in Working With Us?

If you are interested in working with us, please email info@schox.org.